3 Wonderful Ways to Train a Cat

Kinza Kanwal
3 min readApr 5, 2022


Does your cat get crazy all of a sudden? Tired of your cats’ abnormal behavior? But, at the same time, you love to be accompanied by a fluffy and goofy partner. Besides, it makes you feel great when someone calls you a “Cat Owner”.

Generally, cats find their owner, a source of comfort and reliability. These innocent creatures are adapted to show affection towards their caregiver. But, illogical aggression may be a sign of anxiety. If you are looking for those amazing tricks that will make your cat stand out as an adorable one, continue reading!

1- Get rid of the scratching habit

You can’t keep a cat from scratching because it is a natural and instinctive practice. All you can do is redirect it to other items. They do so to shed their worn-out claws and show up their fresh and sharper claws.

You can protect your furniture or any other commodity from scratching by placing a scratching post in a place where it likes to hang out. Whenever your cat expresses the desire for scratching, take it to that post and make her scratch it to its longing. So that instead of ruining your couches, it will run to the scratching post to help it unwind. Don’t forget to cut its nails regularly.

2. Litter Box Training

When you start thinking about buying a cat, the first question that pops up in your mind is how am I supposed to clean the excrement of my cat. Will I be able to maintain hygiene?

First of all, buy a few litter boxes that are three to four inches deep because cats are more likely to do so when they are in deepness. Place those boxes in a calm, warm and private location. Take them to the box right after their meal and immediately after their nap.

3. Prevent from biting

To be honest, a cat looks wicked only when it bites you. Such an unpleasant manner of a cat is not just painful, but dangerous too. However, they mostly bite out of aggression, when they need attention or want to stop an unwanted action.

To put a stop to biting, provide your cat with playful and interactive toys. Don’t offer your hands or feet as a toy otherwise you will be cheering up a risky habit. Squirt water through a spray bottle when it tries to bite you.


You can train a cat exactly in the way you want to. You should just practice teaching it a single attitude at a time. When it masters one, move to the next. While training one trick, make sure you never scold them out of frustration, because they can’t stand it and it makes them more vigorous. All that cats want is emotional nourishment and being taken care of. Moreover, offering a jolly reward, whenever it follows the rules, will encourage it to stick to them for a long.



Kinza Kanwal

Creating content to spread knowledge and bring entertainment